Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our Only Grocery Store Just Closed!

One week ago today, our last grocery store closed. This is what Wal-Mart is doing to our country. Why do we allow them to do this to us???????????????

We were a small 'one horse' town and we liked it that way. Then Hardee's moved in. In the beginning, they took business from our local mom and pop greasy spoons. Some of the small restaurants closed. Then we got McDlonalds, then Taco Bell. More of the small restaurants closed. Now, almost no one eats at the chain restaurants, but our smaller, good restaurants have already left us. This leaves us with only the very few restaurants who were able to stick it out through the new chains.

Last year Wal-Mart moved in. Most of the local citizens were against it. We know a few council members who voted for it and we have given them their opinions. Wal-Mart came anyway. Most of our small stores couldn't afford to remain in business. Now, our only real grocery store has closed it's door.

We have a Sav-A-Lot if you don't mind junk brands. Other than that, there is only Wal-Mart. I refuse to shop there and must drive more than 50 miles each way to a real grocery store.

Why are we letting this huge company, the number one employer in China, to take over our country? We cannot allow this to happen!

I know that I am only one small person, but I intend to fight Wal-Mart at every opportunity!


Theresa N. said...

I know how you feel. My husband and I watched Walmart do the same thing to our home town. Now all the shops are closed on the town square. There's nothing left but Walmart.
Theresa N.

Bonita said...

I live in a fairly large city, but I've seen the same thing happen when Walmart moves in. It seems now we have one every few miles and they truly do put other unique and interesting businesses out of business. I do shop at Walmart occasionally for certain things, but my kids say I start breathing like Darth Vader every time I pull in the parking lot. Hate that place!

Jane In The Jungle said...

I understand! We stopped shopping at Walmart years ago when they started their take over business practices!! My friends even make fun of me for not doing it, don't care! I live in Chatt so I have options.....stay strong!